Reporting ========= .. image:: ../_static/diagrams/Reporting.png The monthly statement is a compilation of common financial statements, including balance, income/expense, and year-to-date graphs. Once the accounts have been imported and cleared, then it is time to create a monthly statement. Create a Statement ------------------ A monthly statement PDF can be generated with ``. :: YYYY MM "NAME ON STATEMENT" For example, to create a statement for January 2017: :: 2017 01 "Fancy Pants" The result will be placed into ``/products/2017/2017-01.pdf``. Uploading --------- Statements should be archived in a CMS for easier use. If you use Joomla for your CMS, then there are two URLs to know: - http://YOUR.CMS/administrator/index.php?option=com_media&folder=statements - http://YOUR.CMS/index.php/accounting To add a statement, first upload the PDF via the Media manager. Once the PDF has been saved to the CMS server, then edit the Accounting page to include a link to the PDF. - click gear dropdown icon - click "edit" - at the bottom of the edit form, click "toggle editor" - cut-and-paste a link to a previous month and update it for the current month. NB: multiple files can be uploaded at once. Next steps ---------- Next read about :doc:`reading`.