Installation ============ Typical setup ------------- Python 2.7 is required. :: pip install diamond-accounting The Python 2.7 dependency comes from ledgerhelpers, which does not yet support Python 3. Pre-requisites -------------- Ensure python, virtualenv, and ledger are installed. On OS X with homebrew, these can be installed with the following commands: :: brew install ledger --with-python brew install python --universal --framework brew install pyenv-virtualenv pyenv-virtualenvwrapper `Diamond-Accounting` is not currently compatible with Windows. Sorry. Python virtualenv ----------------- You can optionally make a python virtualenv for accounting work. If you use a virtualenv, then you must include system packages to ensure ledger is available within your environment. :: mkvirtualenv -a . --system-site-packages accounting Configure --------- Create and edit a configuration file: :: ln -s etc/ledgerrc ~/.ledgerrc Ensure ``etc/ledgerrc`` points to ``ledgers/main.ledger``. In my case, that looks like: :: --file ~/Work/accounting/ledgers/main.ledger Installing meld --------------- This is only relevant for sorting ledger files - and if you never do this, you'll be better off. Sorting is a sensitive process that changes ledger files and should only be run infrequently. Just install meld from GitHub. The point is to run ``meld`` on the command line and have it work. The following commands download Meld and install an alias within the virtualenv. :: wget open meldmerge.dmg # install it here ln -s /Applications/ ~/.virtualenvs/accounting/bin/meld